module will cover a wide range of areas of applications of remote sensing in
understanding the hydrology and water fluxes at different scales. It is
designed to expose students to the application of remotes sensing data
acquisitions, processing, correction, calibration, classification,
interpretation and model input parameterization for hydrology. Various air and
space-borne sensors, their characteristics and application in the water
resources studies will be covered. The processing and model parameter
generation of data acquired from active and passive sensors of different
radiometric, spectral and spatial resolutions for understanding the major
components of the hydrologic cycle will be presented using lectures, exercises,
home works and project. The use of remotely-sensed data of various sensors in
different electromagnetic spectra for directly or indirectly quantification of
evapotranspiration, precipitation, runoff, soil moisture, water quality, water
productivity and mapping and delineation of wetlands, floodplains, drainage
areas and land cover will be presented. Hydrological modeling tools that rely
on satellite remote sensing shall be presented including PRMS, SWAT, HEC RAS.
- Teacher: Addisalem Bitew
The module will cover the role of groundwater in river basins, groundwater as resource (irrigation, industry water supply; groundwater in engineering and mining; groundwater dependent ecosystems; social and economic aspect; global distribution of groundwater; definitions of basic terms in groundwater hydrology (by origin: connate, juvenile, metamorphic and meteoric; by discipline: engineering, agriculture, geology; ) aquifers, aquicludes, aquitards, aquifuges; porosity, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, storage coefficients; structure of aquifers: vertical zonation of the subsurface; confined, unconfined, leaky and perched aquifers; water table condition, artesian condition; hydro-meteorology and hydrology (hydrology cycle, precipitation , pet and eat, runoff, surface water models); occurrence of groundwater (geologic framework of groundwater storage and circulation: origin of rocks and structures, groundwater occurrence in volcanic rocks, groundwater occurrence in consolidated sedimentary rocks, groundwater occurrence in metamorphic rocks, groundwater occurrence in loose sediments); groundwater survey ; groundwater recharge and discharge groundwater hydraulics; groundwater hydraulics and mass transport; well mechanics; pumping tests and estimation of aquifer parameters; evaluation of groundwater resources groundwater development, operational, and capacity expansion optimization models; groundwater quality prediction and management; aquifer reclamation; parameter estimation in groundwater systems; MODFLOW applications
- Teacher: Wondwossen Mulugeta
- Teacher: Dessie Nedaw
Water Law: study how society allocates and protects its most crucial natural resource — water. Complex rules govern the distribution and management of surface water, groundwater and public water supplies. In this module, the emphasis will be on current legal and policy debates, although we will also examine the history of water development and politics. Although the module will focus on Africa, insights from the course are applicable to water regimes throughout the world, law and policy elsewhere in the world will also be included for comparison.
Water Economics: The topic will provide students with economics concepts and methods applied to water governance, management and valuation. Firstly, it aims to introduce participants to some of the goals, objectives and principles of water planning and second, to water resource economics and economic concepts pertinent to water management and planning. It explores principles of water planning and current issues. Students are introduced to economic and social impact analyses which are key aspects of water planning and management.
Water Governance: In this part, students are introduced to frameworks, principles and assessment of water governance at the global/international, national, regional/basin, trans-boundary and local levels. They will unpack core concepts of governance in general and water governance in particular in various socio-political and economic contexts of Africa. Participants will familiarize themselves with one of the major components of water governance, i.e. water security, which is the critical foundation for human, economic and environmental securities. Students will develop critical awareness of the cross-cutting nature of water security, as the cornerstone upon which investment for economic development in Africa relies.