Digital Innovation and Skills HubWhat is DISH?

DISH is an e-learning platform developed to provide access to youth and women to develop employment skills. Through DISH, online short certificate courses of 3 months are created and made available. The courses increase the employability of youth and women because they link to key emerging sectors in employment and contribute to stability, peace and resilience.

The objective of DISH is to increase enrollment in certificate education in order to increase employment possibilities. Youth and women face challenges to find employment, while employers struggle to employ people with matching skills in fast-growing sectors in the employment market.
The DISH courses bridge that gap by focusing on low-threshold e-learning courses, which can be used in online and offline digital learning on a variety of devices and settings.
Certificate level
Each three-month course is designed to provide a certificate The purpose of the certificate is to aid in employment in the sectors. Successful completion of one or more courses also helps prepare for further education.

This course trains students to become an assistant community health worker. In three months, the course covers the basics of healthcare, including maternity and child health, immunization, first aid, hygiene and treatment of common diseases. It also shows students how to deal with COVID-19 and other emerging health crises in their community.

The digital world is growing fast and offers new opportunities for young professionals. Computer Science Level 1 teaches the basic computer skills and Information technology support and project management. It also teaches students how to put these skills to use to gain employment.